
Art Batt No.3 - mix wool art batt for spinning and felting, Woolento

A fine blend of natural fibers - sheep wool, alpaca and bit of kid mohair - creates this beautiful wool comb suitable for spinning, wet felting, needle felting, artistic weaving, or other creative techniques. Fibers are hand carded tohgether into an originally colored fluffy art batt.
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19,20 €
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  • Colors: natural white and mix of brown shades
  • Material: 50% mill waste fibre mix (wool, alpaca, kid mohair), 50% slovak merino wool
  • Weight: approx. 100g = approx. 3.53oz

MILL WASTE FIBRE MIX:  blend of more kinds of wool, alpaca and bit of kid mohair. Fibers fineness is about 26-27 microns (my estimation), still pleasant to skin. Wool remnants from the wool mill, it means fibers which were  excluded from industrial production production. But they are still very nice for hand carding, beautifull for mixture into extraordinary blend for creative hands and souls. Fibers are long enough for spinning on the spinning wheel. 

SLOVAK MERINO: Local slovak merino wool is from happy sheeps grazing Slovak meadows (Europe). The wool is quite fine, approximately 23.5 microns. It has been manually carded only, on my own.


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